Monday, June 8, 2009

Kristin vs. Panamá: Panamá Wins!

It has been a difficult few days since my visit to the specialist on Friday... I think that I have had more emotions running through me than ever before. I am extremely sad to report that I will be coming home on Wednesday - Panamá has officially kicked my ass! The rehabilitation of my foot is going to be a slow process, and I am missing too much of training. As I said before, I am unable to go to the my site visit, and no one knows when I will be able to return to work. In addition, I had to go to the emergency room on Sunday morning for an eye infection. None of the doctors that were working spoke English, so I have no idea if I am putting poison in my eye or the correct medication. Needless to say, I believe that Panamá hates me and is begging me to go... so I am going! Part of me feels like such a failure, because I waited so long to be here in the Peace Corps, but I gave it my all. I think about how many times I fell in the states, and it is ridiculous to think that one fall here in Panamá resulted in this freak injury! Again, I have to remember that I gave it my all, but I am completely freaked out to return to the states... without a job, a car, a cell phone, etc.

Where I have been living for the past 2+ months... Hotel Costa Azul. Imagine the worst Super 8 in Nashville and drop it in the middle of Panamá City. But I had AC and a shower! The little things!

Another view of my room. Yes, I think that light is about a 20 volt light bulb! Ha ha!

This is the view from my room. I have been staring out at this for 2+ weeks. Trooper?! Yep, I think so!!!!

As I think about the wonderful people that I met here, I know that I was here (even though temporarily) for a reason; I have met some friends that I know I will stay in contact with for life. They have all been such a wonderful part of my life here in Panamá... they are the reason that I stayed as long as I did here all alone in the city for 2+ weeks. They are amazing people, and they will be AMAZING volunteers! Panamá is so lucky to have them here, and I know they are going to do awesome things in their communities. I wish I was able to stay and be a part of that experience.

Celebrating Don´s birthday this past Saturday night.

The girl that I am going to visit in CA when she finishes her PC experience... love Lindsay!

The weekend before last with Natalie and Marin. Awesome ladies!

Me with Don. We had a good week together while he was on medical leave for Verdigo... what?!!!

More pictures to come when I return to the states :(
Much love from Panamá for a few more days,

Saturday, June 6, 2009

The Great Debate

After 2 weeks of intense physical therapy, I was happy to see my big toe move 1 cm. off the ground last Friday. For most, it would be sad, but for me, it was great progress! The bad news is that this week, I degressed a little, which my therapist told me was normal, considering the stress my foot was under working for 2 hours everyday. Needless to say, I back to the specialist on Friday, and I am still not medically cleared; I will need to continue therapy everyday, and it looks like I will not be able to go to visit my site a week from tomorrow. The specialist said that an injury like this could potentially take 3-6 months to regain complete feeling. I am unable to work anywhere where there is unlevel terrain... aka all of Panamá, except the city. All of that being said, the great debate is whether to stay or return to the states. I had a long discussion with my director yesterday after my appointment, and he basically said that I was missing some integral training (which I knew and was concerned about), and if I cannot go to my site visit, I will not be able to find my house, meet my counterparts, begin my job plan, etc. He has been wonderful and supportive during all of this, so it made hearing his concern more difficult. I am speaking with him again on Monday to make a decision... On a positive note, a bunch of other volunteers are coming in to the city today, and we are going to celebrate Don´s birthday, which is Monday. I am looking forward to a fun night/weekend with my friends... I need it!

I don´t have any additional photos of Panamá to share since I have just been stuck in the city, but I do want to share pictures of the beautiful babies that were born recently back home! I can´t believe I am not there to meet them!

Congratulations to Jennifer and Denver. Baby Annabelle Marie Bowers was born on May 12th. Precious little girl!

Congratulations to Emily and Kyle. Baby Garrison Robert Mitchell was born on May 31st. Sweet little boy! Hoping he can go home soon!

Congratulations to Meghan and Nathan. Baby Wyatt David Potter was born on June 4th. Lucky little boy!

Love from Panamá!